Thursday, April 2, 2015

Aunt Star, Aunt Breanna and Aunt Bethany (Spring Break 2015)

 After 4 months of hoping around and having my wonderful mother in law here to help me I was able to walk on both feet with my boot on. It was so fun to have my two sisters and Aunt Star come and stay with us for a few days. We went to the everglades to look at the gators, we took them to Holly Wood beach and let them soak up the sun and the last day we drove down to the keys and stopped at Key largo and Bahia Honda. It was so beautiful and sunny for them to enjoy this beautiful place. It felt so good to be at least walking on both feet even if it was with a big old boot. They were here for my birthday, looking back I was not in a very good mood and I feel really bad for that. I think I was expecting something out of the ordinary on my birthday when all along just having my family in town and being blessed with my wonderful little family was enough. Learning lessons everyday that I hope I remember for when an occasion arises that I can do it better the next time. 

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