Sunday, July 29, 2012

Flu bug be gone!

 Little Tater has had the flu the last few days few days and Yesterday morning he seemed to be doing a lot better so we made a really dumb decision and took the boys to the seaquarium  and we had only been there 20 min and he said he felt like he was going to throw up . He threw up in some bushes and we packed it up. He was fine all day, we laid low but he begged for a peanut butter sandwich, he held it down along with a few other things but then at 1:00 in the morning he threw up again all over the bedroom. This is a picture of him waiting for dad to get home with the Gatorade. I think, hopefully we are on the up swing. Now we can start to play? :)
Sunday Night (July29h) the longest day ever! Tex stayed with the boys today while I went to church but this day seemed to drag on we just hung with the kids, make sure Tate is fully recouped before we do anything crazy!  Boys are in bed and now we are relaxing a little, Tex is painting and I am hanging on the computer. Good times. :) He has some mad skills, can't wait tell he is done so we can hang that rad turtle. Thanks Hun you are the best! 

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