Monday July 6th- We got to hang out with some of our friends that we actually met in Florida but they are now in Utah. The Durfey's are doing rotations like our family did a year and a half ago. Aly Salvesen and her little guy Evan were there for her husbands work and work took them back to Utah. We had such a good time at the water park with friends.
Wednesday July 8th (below) - Was a pretty great day!! I got to see a friend I was really close to in High school Noelle Clawson, we spent a few hours in my parents basement catching up while our kids played. After she left I went up stairs to find my boys wrestling on my sister Bethany's bed. My kids love Aunt Breanna and Aunt Bethany. We then decided to take the kids to the Murray park. It was hot but of course the kids were not phased and had a ton of fun. After we had played for a while we all went to Cafe Rio, seriously some of the best food you will ever eat! Eating with my kids at the ages they are, any where, but especially a restaurant can be very difficult to say the least but for what ever reason it didn't seem so crazy this time, I loved being with my kids and I LOVED being with my sisters. The food even tasted better than it normally does and I love Cafe Rio. We came home and parked but when the boys got out of the car the were not ready to come in so my sisters and I got a blanket and sat on the cool grass with the mission in mind to help Breanna clean out her wallet that had receipts that dated all the way back to 12-2014. I can not adequately express the amount of contentment I felt in that moment. The sun was going down, it wasn't to hot, we could feel the cool grass seeping through the blanket my kids were happy and content and all was right in the world for those 20 or 30 min that we sat in the front yard on the blanket.
July 9th (below)- Me and my kids went to spend some time with Tex's family and another splash pad, Bethany came with us that day which proved to be a huge blessing, not only was she super helpful but while I was dealing with a few trials she had such an amazing attitude about everything and it put me in such a calm mood. Breanna had a date with Sam, they used the batting cage out back ending with some ice cream. This date led to what is there super fun relationship right now.
July 10- I got to see my Uncle Rod and his daughter. He is my moms brother and one of the best men I know.
July 11th- ( below) I went to the pool with Miche Barbosa,Teresa Larsen and Melanie Squire. I love these ladies more than I can say, I don't know Melanie very well but Teresa and Miche are two woman I totally look up to. Later that day I went to Tex's brothers Jacobs house, Vaughn was there with his kids. My boys LOVE to be with there cousins, they had a water jump house thing up so we had hot dogs, jumped on the tramp, played in the water and even rode on the 4 wheeler. We didn't get home until 11:00 pm, I am really lucky to have gotten to marry into this amazing family.
July 12th- My Grandma Southam and Aunt Connie came out and stayed for a few days, so it was amazing to spend time with her and take this 4th generation picture with her. My grandpa passed away quite a few years ago, I even lived with her for a few months after I graduated. My grandma is such an amazing example of courage and patience and living the gospel, well they both were! just being in the presence of my grandma is a honor.
July 14th- This picture was taken the day before we came home to Florida. Blake came over to hang out for a little while and Paisley just kept giving him hugs over and over again. It was very sweet.