On New Years Day we took a walk around our building and because they were still in the process of building they had a huge sand hill that we stopped to play in. Even little Paisley was loving climbing all the way up and trying to slide down. We stayed until the sun was setting, It was such a simple thing but we had a lot of fun.
January 9th and 10th, Tex went to Texas to help with interviewing the students who will be the new Resident. When he was there he had to rent a car and the lady gave him a Ferrari. He was feeling pretty fly and I will admit he was looking pretty cute. It was a quick trip but we are excited to welcome a new resident to the program and extra excited that it means Dad will be around a little more often starting July 1st.
Later that week (January 13th) I took my two little ones to the park while Tate was at school. At our club house they have a park behind the pool, so we took a walk over and played on the swings and Paisley climbed the stairs. I tried to get her look for a cute picture but she always has something in her mouth or she wont look straight at me and I guess there is beauty in that as well. I remember feeling so blessed to be a mom. Of course I do everyday but I do have days were I loose focus of how important my job is, this day I was completely at peace with the messes, the time it takes to get anywhere, the whining/fits, homework, dinner, bed time etc. I am working this year at having more days like this then the other overwhelmed days :)
These two pictures of Paisley (January 20th) I added just cause I think she is so cute and it is so typical of her personality. She so wishes she was already old enough to ride a bike and keep up with her brothers. It was been nice lately we go out side to ride bikes, scooters and skateboards and then all the neighbor kids come out to play. So we play until its dark and Paisley does her best to keep up.
January 23rd we went with Dustin and Jennesa Millward to Robert is here and to the Fruit and spice park. They just returned to Florida for their last semester of school before he graduates. It was fun for them to visit us, we needed to get out and doing something different and they were the perfect excuse to get out.
We hugged the tree of life, ate bananas and star fruit from a tree and got a shake at Robert is here. The weather was perfect and the kids were good and glad to be out. January has been a Success so far, Tex and I have worked really hard to make sure we exercise as often as possible and most of the time that means 4 to 6 times a week. Aside from a few mess ups we also have been pretty good about eating healthy, I have read at least 2 chapters in the Book of Mormon every day and have worked to not call home as often. It is February 2nd today and I will work just as hard to make this month just as successful.