Friday, December 30, 2011

My sweet boys!!

Today for dinner I was randomly feeling like a hot dog so we decided to go to Costco for a cheap meal 1.50 hot dogs and on are way home sitting at a light Tate says from the back of the jeep " Did you know that temples help you get married", Tex and I looked at each other and said "that's right! Who do you want to marry?" He mentioned a little girl that we hang out with a lot and then we reminded him that he should not get married to tell he is a lot older. I know i have mentioned it but it must be something he learned in Nursery. Love that little boy! :) We went down to the pool this afternoon, it was a little chilly but the pool is heated so its not bad at all. Peyton loves the water and we just taught him about 3 or 4 days ago how to swim with his floaty's and he is already a pro. I cant say enough how Awesome this break with Tex has been! Going to the pool and the Beach, We have been reading the Hunger games and we are loving it we put the kids to bed and literally run to the bed to read. Basketball season is here and the Heat have one the first 4 games so fun. Dwayne Wade drained a few tonight, it was a close game only Won by 2. They are going to win it this year! Also the last few months I have been worrying and contemplating a lot about when to have another child, I am Anxious by nature and although it has gotten a lot better the older i get and the longer i am married to my sweet husband who gives me fresh prospective i still compare my self and the decisions i make to everyone around me, I don't want to make any mistakes and i second guess my self all the time. So even when a few days ago  Tex and I had talked through a small plan and i was confident with it I let my self get distracted, then today when reading in the January 2012 Ensign that i had just received Heavenly father answered me ME!! He know me and loves me and was answering a question i had. An article by Elder Carl B. Cook of the seventy called Look Up. Two things particularly stuck out to me. He says

Stay True to the Direction You Receive

We can “look up” by staying true to the direction we’ve received from a loving Heavenly Father through personal revelation. Sometimes others would dissuade us from acting on what we receive, and even if they have good intentions, we need to be true to what we have felt.

 And even more than that this Part about not being afraid... 

Don’t Be Afraid to Act

As important as it is to learn Heavenly Father’s plan for our lives, we sometimes get so caught up in knowing every detail, start to finish, that we become afraid to act. Don’t fall into this trap. Make good choices using your best judgment and move forward with your life. We’re blessed as we make choices. Don’t be afraid to make choices because you are afraid of making mistakes. Don’t be afraid to try new things. In doing so, you will find joy in the journey.

I so often feel that I have to plan things so far in advance, This part expecially was ment for me. I am going to try from now on to do my best just like Elder Cook talk about in his introductory story.

A challenge for all of us is not to look sideways to see how others are viewing our lives but to look up to see how Heavenly Father sees us.
As a young man I was called to serve a mission in Hamburg, Germany. At the Language Training Mission—the predecessor to today’s missionary training center—I struggled to learn the language. As the first and then the second week passed, I noticed that the others in my district were progressing much faster than I was. While they were advancing to complex concepts, my dies, ders, and dases were a disaster.
I started to become concerned—and discouraged. How could I serve a successful mission if I couldn’t communicate with the people I was called to teach?
I prayed for help and sought a priesthood blessing, which provided some reassurance. But I continued to search and struggle, and one day I felt more uptight and worried than ever. As my companion and I walked down the hallway, I stopped at a small janitor’s closet. I asked my companion to wait for me for a moment. I slipped into that tiny room and knelt down on a mop. I began to plead with Heavenly Father for some relief.
The Lord answered that prayer. I felt this thought come into my mind: “I never called you to master the German language. I just called you to serve with all of your heart, mind, and strength.”
I immediately thought, “I can do that. I can serve with all of my heart, mind, and strength. If that’s what the Lord has called me to do, I can do that.” I stood up feeling tremendously relieved.
From that point on, my measuring stick changed. I no longer gauged my progress and success against that of my companion or other members of my district. Instead, I focused on how the Lord felt I was doing. Instead of looking to the side to compare myself to others, I began to look up, so to speak, to know what He thought of my efforts.

I am grateful to a loving Heavenly Father who never leaves you alone and will give you aid if we but knock. I feel so blessed to have been born into a home were the gospel of Jesus Christ was a way of life.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

First things first!

So first of all I have to say how awesome it has been, yesterday we took a walk to the mall and it was like 65 degrees out side just enough to make my cheeks cold and tingle a little but my body didn't go numb like it would have in Utah, it was so nice have to wear a jacket. On are way home we played on the stairs of the Police department/ Library and took this picture with the lights in the back. (Dad can't keep his eyes open to save his life but o well.) On Monday we decided to buy a year pass to the Miami Seaquarium  and we had so much fun it was so HOT!! We watched the dolphin and whale show first and it was almost not that enjoyable because it was so hot but the boys had a blast we pet the sting rays, looked at the Manatees, watched the sharks with all the fish and watched the sea lion show, Tate really liked that one cause they had the Grinch in the show. The next day The 27th of December Doctor Sutherlan one of Tex's Professor's took us and another couple the Cameron's on his boat, he took us to some of the Islands like Bocacheeko I wish I could remember the other ones but in any case we had such a good time. He is the nicest man ever at the end of the day he took us to dinner, It was really fun to be with Tex all day and just hang out and goof around. This week has been a lot of fun, Tex and I have also been reading at night the Hunger Games and we are both loving it. I really am going to miss him when this break is over. One week left.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Well Christmas is over and Criddle went home to the north pole and will be back next year,  we will miss you Criddle. He did some fun things like making a bed next to the boys with all there blankets and fell fast asleep, he made a big mess with all there puzzles and stamps and played all night. Christmas Eve was his last night and he made 20 paper airplanes and hung them on the ceiling and then took a ride on a few. We spent The night Before Christmas Eve up all night with Tate with itchy Feet, We new he was not feeling good Thursday night when we went to the Gulf stream to see the lights but we didn't know what it was. Yep Hand foot and Mouth Manifested it's self Friday Night, nasty sores all over his hands, feet and mouth and in the back of his throat nasty pussy pockets. He is feeling way better now just the sores remain. Christmas Eve Morning looked like it might not be the best day being tired from the night before and sick Tate but we went to the Beach with a few friends and it was so fun the boys had a blast and they were so good. Very Fun day we relaxed that night easy dinner chili and hot dogs. I have really missed seeing my family and Tex's family in Utah, wish we could have visited plus this year we didn't have a lot of money so the Boys Christmas was pretty bare and Tex and I didn't do anything for each other.  I have decided that Christmas is a lot more fun when you can give, first i wish i could have gotten Tex some cool stuff and I really wish that we were not in school and we had money so we could give to people who were in need. I don't know lots of things about this Christmas were Wonderful but also not so wonderful. I loved that we have had so much time with Tex I have loved hanging out with him at night. He paints while i Blog or work on a project eating  Lime popcorn, watching movies with the Christmas tree lights on, eating dinner as a family, playing in the pool. So many fun things I am really going to miss him when we get back into the routine but I also really missed family and  I know I know.. the Snow I wish we could have bundled up for a few days and played in the snow. I wish you didn't need money to buy things or that we had some. All in all things have been Amazing and we are going to live it up the next week before January Starts and real life starts again.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Quick update

So Wednesday night was are Wards Young Women and Excellence Night and I have been working for the past year and a half on my Personal Progress and finally finished so I was able to receive mine and it was Awesome I helped with the program and was the first Mary. Are Friend Sierra watched are boys so Tex could be with me and it was a really Fun night, they served dinner after and it was pretty good. I am almost 28 and I wish that I would have received it when i was a youth but I am so happy to have gotten it now. :) My testimony has grown so much and wish i could get the girls as excited about it as i am! We are helping are friends Josh and Sierra out by walking their dogs while they are out of town for Christmas today was are first day and the boys loved it. We also went to the Gulf stream casino and horse track tonight they have a big tree and tons of lights that they play music to, I Invited are neighbor and friend Maria and her daughter Clarissa with us and she was so happy she thanked me at least 4 times and said how much fun she was having this was like family she kept saying. It is just her and her daughter here, she is originally from Germany and Brazil her English is Good but not the language she prefers to speak, some times it is hard to understand her but i think she is a wonderful lady. I'm glad i could give friendship and learn from her as well she has been through a lot in her life and she most  of the time has a really good attitude she has bad days but who doesn't. :) We are going to have a Christmas Party with some Friends tomorrow Carrie and Adam Richins and Jaime and Eric Starley. We are excited for Christmas this year even though are little Tate Woke up from his nap today with a 102 fever and I remember last year he had a similar fever from about the 21st to the 26th. On Christmas last year his fever was like 104 or 105 and we took him down to the pool to try and cool him down so we will see how this year goes I really hope he feels better by Sunday. Tonight when we were at the lights he just laid in the stroller with his blanket all wrapped up and didn't really move, that when I know that he is not feeling good. :) O well he is still so sweet and it will still be a great Christmas!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Fire Ants and Friends

It was Quite a day Yesterday, We went with Tex to school to clean his locker out and on are way back to the car Peyton was playing in a grassy/ dirt area and all the sudden he started running over to Tex with his hands in the air, not crying just looked in pain so Tex saw ants and brushed them off not thinking to much of it and then looked down and his shoes and legs were covered in Fire ants. I was sitting on the curb talking to Tate, I heard Tex yell Brittany! I saw him ripping Peyton's Clothes off, I ran over as fast as I could took Peyton and was brushing him off as fast as I could while Tex worked on himself because obviously they were all over him. Any way  this was today's and yesterday's Pictures, O man it is so hard not to pop those little suckers they are so pussy! One of Peyton's first experiences With being a Mortal. You will have many more to come my sweet boy. It is very sad he looks like he has a nasty Dieses. Later that day we picked are very good friends up from the Miami Air Port, they were flying into Utah and stayed with us tell this morning around 11. Me and Miche lived in the same Neighborhood, It was when we lived in Aunt Star's Basement for about 2 or 3 years and she became my Best Friend. They have been living in Brazil where Lee is From and where Miche served her mission, for the past 2 years. We had some dinner walked over to the mall and played in the Play area and had a train ride. It was so fun to see them and was a fun start to our Christmas Break. :)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Things happen

So a few days ago I wrote a whole bunch of stuff and right when i was about to publish it erased I was so bugged I just decided i would try again another day. So here I am and i cant even remember what i said last time and it was all good stuff. I am so Excited for the Break Tex is going to have starting Wednesday to the 3rd it is much needed for both of us not to mention the boys, they miss Tex so much. It is amazing to watch the growth in your children.. Peyton is so cute Tate will go hide in a pretty obvious place and Peyton throws his little chubby hand in the air and says " Tate do" then Tate jumps out and Peyton says " de do" his hair is getting so long and i am afraid to cut it cuz i don't want his curls to go away and so i put a little bobby pin in it when it hangs in his face but its not so good because any where i go not matter what he is wearing ( blue, brown) it seems no one can tell he is a boy and they all say O my goodness what a beautiful little girl, you have the most beautiful little girl. O well i know he is a boy and i am going to cut it soon. Tate is going to be 4 in a few months and it blows me away, I am going to be a mom of a 4 year old. 2 days ago ( Saturday) I was doing a whole bunch of shopping we had been all over, Costco, the craft store and the boys were done by this time but i still needed to go to Walmart so in we go and i am using tricks, we are all most done  i was looking in the candy cane area i was looking for a special kind and next to me  was a Walmart worker near by with a huge cart that was so full of stuff she was putting away and little Tate decides to try and clime it!! It falls on top of him... Yes falls on top of him i was so embarrassed and angry I moved him out of the isle and was helping the lady pick up all the stuff off the  floor, all the while he is crying so hard his little lips were blue and his face had turned white he was in a lot of pain and i should have been sweeter to him but i had been asking him to stay close to me but of course why would i think that he would actually listen. I guess to make me feel better.. boys will be boys. I really am trying to teach them how to be good listeners, its a work in progress though. Any way it was the biggest adventure of the day. I had to basically beg them not to call the paramedics. He is fine and now it is just a funny story to tell. The big lesson from it all is i guess work harder with the boys at the listening thing but also not to get so mad stuff happens. :)  Also the 21st of this month i will be getting my Young Women's medallion that i should have gotten when i was a teen but am getting it now and am very excited.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Christmas Time!

I love Christmas it has been so fun to decorate the Christmas Tree and do Christmas crafts with Tate and Peyton we are loving having the Elf Criddle visit from the north pole and the funny things he has done to keep life interesting. The other night he popped himself some popcorn and watched movies all night he made such a mess of that popcorn, I think my favorite so far is the Race track he made with duck tape and played with the boys cars all night. Such a fun new Tradition! I think even though Tex is busy with school he is even getting into it. Great news came this Sunday my very best friend is visiting Utah this Christmas and they fly into Miami for the day, cant wait to see the Barbosa family on the 15th :). Also another one of my best friends has been gone for the last 8 months while her husband does his Rotations and they come back for 4 months to finish school on the 18th of January I am very excited!! :) We are looking forward to Tex's holiday break lots of relaxing and hanging out with Dad. I am using my parents camera for now until are is fixed thanks Mom and Dad. Alright well I better go clean up before the boys wake up from naps.  P.S Tate really is smiling in this first picture, it sure does not look like it though.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

A few of my thoughts

I have not pictures to share because my camera has been being fixed for like a month now but i have a lots of thoughts I'm not even sure i can remember all of them. First this little Thanksgiving break with Tex home has been amazing. I really love my husband so much being a single mom is really hard, I know it will be worth it when we are done with school but it is just really hard sometimes and i have loved having him around!! I Love the Christmas holiday and am looking forward to it, putting up the tree the mall is full of the hustle and bustle, Christmas lights at Founders park.I just love it!! Just watched a Stupid movie last night called Super 8 and i really did not like it. Thanksgiving was a lot of fun this year (not that last year was not) but I/ We Ran are first 10K ever as a family and Ran all 6 miles my Knees were killing me after we were done but such an amazing feeling to start and finish something that is challenging for you. My Sweet husband was the one pushing me from mile 3 to 5 i don't know if i could have done it with out him. Tate Ran a 100 yard dash with about 20 to 30 other kids and he totally won the race. His face was priceless. :) We had dinner at the Starley's and she made such an amazing Turkey, Rolls and green bean Casserole. I ate so much i felt sick, I'm sure every one says that on thanksgiving but it was true for me. We took family Pictures today at this park on Biscayne called the Enchanted forest or something and it was so beautiful, We had a lot of fun, I have not seen the pictures yet but Terri ( the lady in are ward) Did so great with the pumpkin patch pics with our boys that i am sure they are awesome and cant wait to see them. I talked to a friend the other day that i love and admire so much. In life i think it is hard to find friends who can really accept you for You and she really is one of these friends I love her so much. I am grateful for Awesome Friends and Family,especially my little family. Lastly breaking dawn was so amazing i don't care what any one says i loved it and thought they did a really good job with it.  I'm sorry if my grammar is way off i never have been great and punctuation I'm just typing away.

Friday, November 18, 2011

My Boys

I can't believe how Big my boys are getting! Tate turns 4 soon and Peyton is almost old enough to go to Nursery. Although being a Mom is really hard and some days I Really think what the heck am i doing?! And complain more than I really need to, I love being a  Mom and I love  these boys More than I know how to put into words I am so lucky that they are mine, Its  morning like this that help me Remember this,  I woke up this morning really tired so when I heard Peyton I grabbed some toys and put him on the floor next to me while I slept for a little longer, Tate woke up about five or so minutes later I was laying so that neither could see that my eyes were open. Tate ran in to where Peyton was playing and whispered Hi Peyton and gave him a big hug Peyton hugged him back and put his face on Tate's like he was giving him a kiss they laid on the ground with there heads together for a little while, and then Tate jumped up and said I'm going to get my frog blanket so Peyton jumped up and chased after him he only got about half way Tate met him in the hall, took his hand and said come on Peyton and led him back into my bedroom and then gently motioned for him(Peyton) to sit down next to him and then Tate gave him another big hug. They played for a while being the best of friends and it made me so Grateful for both of them, they are both strong healthy boys and are starting to be such great friends, that in and of its self is a huge blessing. I know that moments like this don't happen every day or even twice a day but when they do happen I need to soak them up because they are what sustain me through the long days and especially the crazy getting ready for bed routine. I am so thankful for my sweet new growing family and all the fun times ahead of us, :)

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Finally a blog

At Last I have joined the rest of the world and have my very own Blog. What do you say on your very first post on a blog you just started? I guess it doesn't matter! Well I am excited to have a place to put my thoughts sense i have not written in a journal sense I was 18. When I woke up Monday Morning it seemed like it would be a really long  week but my boys have proven that they can make things interesting and I love them for that. Yesterday we went to Tex's football game and I had all the things He needed to play and we were running late, we were going to be cutting really close I kept saying to the cars Come on go faster, Lets go lets go...  and My sweet Tate in the back saying so calmly Mom they are going, Hold on Mom wait tell the light goes green then they will go. After the game on the way home Tate said to his dad " Dad did you know that on are way here all the cars were blocking are way?" I felt bad i wasn't being more Patient. He is such a sweet little boy and I am lucky he is mine.